New Zealand GST rates, thresholds, and registration guide

new zealand sales tax

These are collected by a range of government agencies such as the New Zealand Customs Service. Businesses in New Zealand are required to collect a sales tax of 13.00% on behalf of the government, which they must submit to the applicable New Zealand revenue department in a periodical VAT tax return. Unlike the United States’ sales tax, which is only charged on sales to end consumers, the VAT is collected on all sales – even of raw materials. If you’re a non-resident business and you supply remote services such as digital content from outside New Zealand to customers who are resident in New Zealand, you may be required to register for, collect and return GST on these supplies.

The registration process

  1. Automate sales tax calculations, reporting and filing today to save time and reduce errors.
  2. Businesses operating in New Zealand must register for GST if they have a turnover of more than NZD 60,000 in the previous 12 months, or expect to exceed this threshold within the next 12 months.
  3. AVAT refund of up to 13.00% of your total expenditures may be refunded for qualifying purchases.Regulations on VAT and sales tax refunds vary across countries and by region, so be sure to check ahead before expecting a New ZealandVAT refund.
  4. Businesses in New Zealand that are required to collect tax will be issued an identification number.
  5. A business must provide receipts to buyers if they’ve been charged GST.

In New Zealand, foreign businesses are expected to file tax returns every quarter. The rate for GST, effective since 1 October 2010 as implemented by the National Party, is 15%.3 This 15% tax is applied to the final price of the product or service being purchased and goods and services are advertised as GST inclusive. Although the Land Tax Abolition Act (1990) which took effect from 31 March 1992 abolished New Zealand’s land tax, a land tax was the very first direct tax ever the importance of analyzing accounts receivable imposed on New Zealanders, by the Land Tax Act (1878).

New Zealand GST rates

new zealand sales tax

This is similar to VAT, and based on the OECD’s standard indirect tax regime model. It is one of the most progressive regimes in the world, with a wide base and limited exemptions. All employees pay an earner’s levy to cover the cost of non-work related injuries.

Listed services

It is collected by Inland Revenue on behalf of the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC). The general invoice rule is that the tax point is the earlier of the margin of safety formula calculation example and faqs date of the supply or the invoice date. Businesses operating in New Zealand must register for GST if they have a turnover of more than NZD 60,000 in the previous 12 months, or expect to exceed this threshold within the next 12 months. Businesses operating in New Zealand that add GST to the price of their goods or services must also register for GST. Just follow our instructions on how to register for GST in New Zealand. ” Check out our explanation of what a digital product is exactly.

You might need to register for GST if you sell goods or services. Most products or services sold in New Zealand incur GST at a rate of 15%. The main exceptions are financial services (e.g. banking and life insurance) and the export of goods and services overseas. In most cases employers deduct the relevant amount of income tax from salary and wages prior to these being paid to the individual. This system, known as pay-as-you-earn, or PAYE, was introduced in 1958, prior to which employees paid tax annually.

Examples of taxable income

Subject to relief under a double tax agreement, New Zealand residents are liable to pay income tax on their worldwide income, whereas non-residents are only future value fv formula + calculator liable to pay tax on income derived from a New Zealand source. For GST-registered businesses, a GST return is due by the 28th of the month after the end of the taxable period. However, if the reporting period ends on November 30, the return and payment must be submitted by January 15 of the following year. GST is the consumption tax throughout New Zealand, levied on almost everything sold in the country. There are specific rules around digital products, which you must follow closely to stay tax compliant.

These are the revenue thresholds at which businesses in New Zealand are required to start collecting and remitting tax. Once GST registered, businesses can manage and pay GST online using myGST — a section of the New Zealand Inland Revenue’s online service. Providing services to New Zealand businesses generally does not require a GST registration. Automate sales tax calculations, reporting and filing today to save time and reduce errors.

Businesses in New Zealand that are required to collect tax will be issued an identification number. Tax identification numbers can be verified with the Inland Revenue, and will follow a certain format. The GST registration number format is Taxable persons use tax registration numbers (IRD number) for GST purposes in the format xx-xxx-xxx; effective from 2008, nine-digit numbers are issued to new GST-registered persons. Refunds in New Zealand will not be paid if they’re to be used to pay any other taxes owed. They will also not be paid if the Inland Revenue is waiting for the business to file an overdue GST return or if any information is missing from the application.

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